Monday, March 29, 2010
A Little Dirt Never Hurt Anyone
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A Change Would Do You Good
Parker always rides his tractor. It is favorite thing to do!

A view of some of our campsite. Jim's brother and fiance slept in one tent and Brodie slept in one by himself. Jim's parents horse trailer has sleeping quarters in it..Tony, Julie, Alry, and Parker all slept in there. Mama Julie made chicken and dumplins' for supper and a big was DELICIOUS!Parker loves playing outside..since it has been warmer, we stay out there for hours every afternoon and on the weekend! This is his new bubble lawn mower. He always wants to 'cut grass'! He got the lawn mower because I had to take him to the doctor because he was running a fever. They swabbed his nose and throat to check for flu and strep. When the nurse was finished..Parker was crying and saying that he wanted to go to Wal-MartS. I hope they don't think that I call Wal-Mart--Wal-MartS. We did go, and the law mower was his prize he got for being such a sweet boy lately and because he felt so bad.
Parker's latest discovery. He can climb up the book shelf. Jim sent this to me yesterday. He has been such a little monkey lately!
Parker wanted to go back outside..he was hanging from the door knob.
I thought it was hilarious!

On a good note, Jim got a new job. He is now working for Seminole Development as a project mananger and selling real estate again. It is a much better job than the bank, and Jim is really enjoying it. Please continue to pray that things go well at the new job.
We have had a lot of changes in the past month, but they are good changes. No paci, new job, and some warmer weather.
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you"
1st Thessalonians 5:18
Last night Parker said that his ear hurt, and that he needed to go see Dr. Bang (his pediatrician). Too funny..and the way he says Dr. Bang is so cute.
Just Another Day in Paradise

Parker patiently (literally) waiting for Dr. McQueen

Jim and I celebrated our Anniversary on March 17th. I am very thankful for the marriage that we have. He is such a good provider and father. I couldn't have picked another man any better. It was also my sister-in-law Sandra's birthday. All of my family came over and we celebrated her birthday and our anniversary.
Parker all decked out in his green for St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
It was "SnOw" much fun!

Parker on the way home from Birmingham..he is turning into such a big boy.

We just bought the sand toys at a yard sale the weekend before it glad that Parker had 'snow' toys!When Parker sees the camera..he always gives me a big cheese!
This past weekend, Parker and I spent the day together..just the two of us. Jim was helping my mom and step-dad move into their house. We went to Elba and Dothan to do a little shopping. Parker was so well behaved. I didn't even have a stroller. I was so proud of him. He did try to escape me once when we were in Gymboree--he did get out of the store..I had to put my stuff down and run out of the store like a maniac to chase him down! He was headed for the train. I think that I may have taken him shopping too much because when we pull up to the mall, he knows that the train is there.
Here he is riding the motorcycle in the mall.

Last night, February 24th, we celebrated my oldest nephew Zac's 15th Birthday! WOW! I cannot believe that he will be driving in 1 year. He is growing up into such a handsome young man. I am closer to his age than I am to my brother (his dad) so Zac and I have kind of grown up together. We have more of a sister/brother relationship than an aunt/nephew one. I love you Zac!
Well..we are off to Birmingham this weekend to help my sister move into her new house. We are a bunch of moving folks in my family! We will also be celebrating our soon-to-be nephew Brodie's 4th Birthday with a party at the bowling alley. Parker and Brodie are so sweet to each other..I can't wait for them to get to play together all weekend. Until next time..maybe it won't be a month!
~ MJ
Friday, January 22, 2010
It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To

Also..we went to Dothan because today is the day that one of my best friends welcomed her baby boy, Phoenix Jaxon Morrow, into the world. Congratulations Brittany and Justin! I am so happy that I got to share this day with them. It was a crazy day. Justin works offshore so there was no guarantee that he was going to make it to the hospital before Brittany had the baby. Justin got to the hospital at 6:45 and Brittany had Phoenix at 7:02. It was almost surreal..almost like Phoenix was waiting on his daddy to get there. I am so glad that Justin was able to make was the talk of the hospital all afternoon. Will he or will he not make it before she has the baby?! When I saw Brittany this morning, I cried. There she was in the hospital bed waiting..just waiting for Phoenix..waiting for Justin..waiting for her life to change forever. When I left her tonight..she was still in the hospital bed..but now she is waiting to spend the rest of her life with Phoenix and Justin.
Today when I woke up--it didn't even feel like my birthday. Frankly, it felt just like another day. Thank you to all of my family and friends and baby Phoenix for making this somewhat ordinary birthday into one I will never forget! come the tears again.
Monday, January 18, 2010
I think I can, I think I can

Friday, January 15, 2010
Too Much of a Good Thing

He then got very sick right before I started school *teaching* in August, and all he wanted was his far far *pacifier*. He was sick so what was I to do--I gave it to him--all of the time. Little beknowest to me that this was the beginning of an addiction. My child is obsessed with his pacifier. If he can't find one, he will walk around the house saying, "paci, paci..where are you?" I can't deny that it is cute when he calls out for his pacifier, but GEEZ..enough is enough. He can talk a lot now, but I can't understand him when he has the paci in his mouth. I tried to convince myself that I was ok with him having it as long as he took it out to talk, but lets face is driving me bananas! We have cut holes in the ends of the pacifiers, but I am pretty sure that he has them hidden around the house--he always finds another one.
Parker with his paci Halloween night

This is Parker when he doesn't get his paci when he wants it!